Java Collection Framework Overview

Java Collection Framework Overview | In this post we will see the limitations of Array and the need for the Java collection framework. What is Java Collection Framework? What are the different interfaces and classes gives in the Java collection framework? They were given in which version and what is the main purpose of that interface/class? In which situation we should use which collection class?

Limitations of Array

An array is an indexed collection of a fixed number of homogeneous data elements. The main advantage of the array is:- we can represent multiple values by using a single variable. So that the readability of the code will be improved.

Limitations of Array in Java:-

  1. The array is fixed in size. Once we create an array then we can’t increase/decrease the size based on our requirement. Due to this, to use the array concept compulsory we should know the size in advance which may not be possible always.
  2. Array concept isn’t implemented based on some standard data structures & hence pre-defined method support is not available. For every requirement like sorting, searching and e.t.c. we have to write the code explicitly which increases the complexity of programming. 
  3. Generally, an array can hold only homogeneous data type elements.

Assume we have Student and Customer classes,

class Student { }
class Customer { }

In an array of students, we can store only Student type elements. Similarly, in an array of integers, we can store only integer elements, we can’t store double, String, and e.t.c. values.

Student s[] = new Student[100];
s[0] = new Student(); // valid
s[1] = new Customer(); // invalid

In the array of Students if we try to add a Customer type element then we will get a compile-time error:- incompatible types; found: Customer, required: Student. 

We can solve this problem by using object-type arrays. But while retrieving, and performing the different operations on this array we have to typecast the array element to the corresponding type which increases the burden on the programmer.

Object obj[] = new Object[10000];
obj[0] = new Student(); // valid
obj[1] = new Customer(); // valid
// every time type casting is required
Student s1 = (Student) obj[0];
Customer c1 = (Customer) obj[1];

To overcome all these problems of arrays, we should go for the Java collections framework. Let us see what the Java collection framework is and how it solves the array problems.

Java Collection Framework

The java.util package contains several classes to group/collect homogeneous and heterogeneous objects without size limitations. These classes are usually called Java collection framework classes.

Java collection framework classes are Java data structures. These classes internally use several standard data structures and algorithms such as a growable array, vector, stack, queue, linked list, doubly linked list, hash table, balance tree, and e.t.c. All collection object size is automatically incremental and decremental.

Java Collection Framework classes are:-

  1. Growable in nature i.e. based on our requirement it can increase or decrease the size.
  2. They can hold both homogeneous & heterogeneous objects.
  3. Every collection class is implemented based on some standard data structure. Hence for every requirement pre-defined method support is available. Being a programmer we are responsible for using those pre-defined methods based on our requirements.

Array vs Collection Framework

ArrayCollection Framework
The array is fixed in size i.e. once we create an array then we can’t increase/decrease the size based on our requirement.Collections are growable in nature. Based on our requirement we can increase or decrease the size.
With respect to memory, arrays are not recommended to use.With respect to memory, collections are recommended to use.
With respect to performance, arrays are recommended to use.With respect to performance, collections are not recommended to use.
Generally, arrays hold only homogeneous data type elements.Collections can hold both homogeneous &  heterogeneous elements.
There is no underlying data structure for array & hence predefined method support is not available. For every requirement, we have to write the code explicitly which increases the complexity of programming.Every collections class is implemented based on some standard data structure & hence for every requirement predefined method support is available. Being a programmer we can use these methods directly & we are not responsible to develop those methods.
An array can hold both primitives and objects.Collections can hold only object types but not primitive type values.

Different Format to Store Objects in Java Collection Framework

We can collect/store objects in 2 ways:-

  1. In array format
  2. In (key, value) format

The example of array format,


Example of (key, value) pair format,


In array format, the objects don’t have an identity. But in key, value format objects have their own identity. Based on these 2 format Java collection classes is divided into two hierarchies:-

  1. Collection hierarchy:- To store objects in array format.
  2. Map hierarchy:- To store objects in (key, value) format.

In Java 1.0 version only 4 classes were there to store/collect these two formats. They are:-

  1. Vector & Stack:- to store objects in array format.
  2. Hashtable & Properties:- to store objects in (key, value) pair format.

These classes were created as thread-safe classes, which means all the methods in these two classes are declared as synchronized. Therefore for every method-call on these objects, JVM locks and unlocks the objects. In a single thread model application, it leads to performance issues. In single thread model application execution is sequential so there is no data corruption problem, hence locking of objects is not required. 

To solve this problem many non-thread-safe classes were introduced in Java 1.2 version. Later in the 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 versions, more classes were added. From Java 1.2 version all collection classes are collectively called as Java collection framework, and the collection classes available from Java 1.0 version are called legacy classes. Whenever we say “Java collection framework” it means we are talking about java.util package and its classes/interfaces.

The legacy classes (which were introduced in Java 1.0 version) are:-

  1. Dictionary(AC)
  2. Vector
  3. Stack
  4. Hashtable
  5. Properties

In these 5 classes, Dictionary is an abstract class (AC) and the remaining are concrete Java classes which extends some other Java collection class.

Difference between Collection and Collection Framework?

Collection:- If we want to represent a group of individual objects as a single entity then we should go for collection. It is an interface in the Java collection framework. It is considered as the root interface of the collection framework because most of the classes of java.util package indirectly implements Collection(I). Collection(I) and all its implementation classes are used to store the group of individual objects as a single entity. See more:- Collection interface in Java.

Collection Framework:- It contains several classes & interfaces which can be used to represent a group of objects. Whenever we say Java collection framework it means we are talking about java.util package.

Important Interfaces of Java Collection Framework

There are 9 Key Interfaces of the Java Collection Framework.

  1. Collection 
  2. List
  3. Set
  4. SortedSet
  5. NavigableSet
  6. Queue
  7. Map
  8. SortedMap
  9. NavigableMap

Let us see these interfaces one by one. In which version they were introduced and how many implementation classes do they have? We will use I to represent Interface i.e. Collection(I) means Collection is an interface.


  1. If we want to represent a group of individual objects as a single entity then we should go for the Collection interface.
  2. Collection(I) defines the most common methods which are applicable for any collection object.
  3. In general Collection(I) is considered as the root interface of the Java collection framework, because most of the classes of the java.util package implements Collection(I).
  4. It was introduced in Java 1.2 version.

There is no concrete class that implements the Collection interface directly, but List, Set, and e.t.c. interface implements Collection(I).

What is the difference between “Collection” & “Collections” in Java Collection Framework?
The “Collection” is an interface present in java.util package, if we want to represent a group of individual objects as a single entity then we should go for Collection. “Collections” is a utility class present in java.util package to define several utility methods for collection objects like sorting, searching, and e.t.c.


List interface is the child interface of Collection(I). We should go for List if we want to represent a group of individual objects as a single entity where:- 

  1. Duplicates are allowed &
  2. Insertion order must be preserved. Similar to an array, the index of List also starts with 0.

Implementation Class with Java version when they were introduced:-

  • Collection(I) 1.2v
    • List(I) 1.2v
      • ArrayList 1.2v
      • LinkedList 1.2v
      • Vector 1.0v
        • Stack 1.0v

ArrayList, LinkedList, and Vector are the direct child class of List(I). Stack class extends Vector class. Vector & Stack were introduced in 1.0v therefore they are considered as legacy classes. In Java 1.2 version Vector & Stack class was modified to implement List(I).

import java.util.*;
public class Test {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      List<String> al = new ArrayList<String>();
      al.add("KP"); // duplicate
      al.add(2, "DEF");


[KP, Java, KP, null]
[KP, Java, null]
[KP, Java, DEF, null, GHI]


It is the child interface of Collection(I). we should go for Set if we want to represent a group of individual objects as a single entity where:- 

  1. Duplicates are not allowed & 
  2. Insertion order not preserved.

Objects are unique or duplicate is actually decided by the “==” operator and equals() method. If “==” operator returns true, then those objects are considered as duplicates (same objects). If “==” operator and also equals() method returns false then they are considered as unique objects (different objects).

Implementation Class/interfaces:-

  • Collection(I) 1.2v
    • Set(I) 1.2v
      • HashSet 1.2v
        • LinkedHashSet 1.4v
      • SortedSet(I) 1.2v
        • NavigableSet(I) 1.6v
          • TreeSet 1.2v

HashSet is the child class of Set(I), and LinkedHashSet is the child class of HashSet. SortedSet is an interface that implements Set(I).


It is the child interface of Set(I). we should go for SortedSet if we want to represent a group of individual objects as a single entity where:- 

  1. Duplicates are not allowed & 
  2. Insertion order not preserved &
  3. All objects should be inserted according to some sorting order.

It is the child interface of SortedSet(I). It contains several methods for navigation purposes.

  • Set(I) 1.2v
    • SortedSet(I) 1.2v
      • NavigableSet (I) 1.6v
        • TreeSet 1.2v

The most important difference between List and Set

Duplicates are allowed.Duplicates are not allowed.
Insertion order preserved.Insertion order not preserved.


It is the child interface of Collection(I). If we want to represent a group of individual objects prior to processing then we should go for the queue. Usually, the queue follows FIFO (first in first out) order but based on our requirement we can implement our own priority order also. 

Example:- Before sending an email to different mail ids, all mail ids should be store in some data structure. In which order all mail ids are stored in the same order mail should be delivered. The mail id which was added first will receive an email before others. For this requirement, Queue is the best choice.

Queue(I) and all its implementation were introduced in the 1.5 version. Among all implementation classes of Queue(I), PriorityQueue is used frequently.

Implementation classes:-

  • Collection(I) 1.2v
    • Queue(I) 1.5v
      • PriorityQueue 1.5v
      • BlockingQueue 1.5v
        • PriorityBlockingQueue 1.5v
        • LinkedBlockingQueue 1.5v
      • Other classes

All the above interfaces (Collection, List, Set, SortedSet, NavigableSet & Queue) are meant for representing a group of individual objects. If we want to represent a group of objects as key-value pairs then we should go for Map.


The map is not a child interface of Collection(I). If we want to represent a group of objects as key-value pairs then we should go for Map.


In Map:-

  1. Both key & value are objects therefore they can be of any type.
  2. Keys should be unique but values can be duplicated.
  3. Each (key, value) is called an entry.

Implementation Class/interfaces:-

  • Map(I) 1.2v
    • HashMap 1.2v
      • LinkedHashMap 1.4v
    • WeakHashMap 1.2v
    • IdentityHashMap 1.4v
    • Hashtable 1.0v
      • Properties 1.0v
    • SortedMap(I) 1.2v
      • NavigableMap(I) 1.6v
        • TreeMap 1.2v

Hashtable implements Map(I) and extends Dictionary(AC) class. They are introduced in 1.0v therefore they are considered as legacy classes.

  • Dictionary (AC) 1.0v
    • Hashtable 1.0v
      • Properties 1.0v
import java.util.*;
public class Test {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      HashMap<Integer, String> hm = 
             new HashMap<Integer, String>();
      hm.put(700, "Alex");
      hm.put(123, "John");
      hm.put(856, "Robert");
      System.out.println(hm.put(123, "Oliver"));


{856=Robert, 123=John, 700=Alex}
{856=Robert, 123=Oliver, 700=Alex}


It is the child interface of Map(I). If we want to represent a group of key-value pairs according to some sorting order of keys then we should go for SortedMap.

Note that:- In SortedMap the sorting will be based on key but not based on value. 

It is the child interface of SortedMap(I), which defines several methods for navigation purposes.

In Java Collection(I) and Map(I) hierarchy,

  • Vector, Stack, Hashtable, Properties classes are available from Java 1.0 version.
  • LinkedHashSet, & LinkedHashMap were introduced in Java 1.4 version.
  • Queue(I) and all its sub-classes were introduced in Java 1.5 version.
  • NavigavleSet and NavigableMap were introduced in the 1.6 version.
  • The remaining all classes and interfaces in these two hierarchies were introduced in Java 1.2 version.

The data structure used in different classes,

InterfaceHash TableResizable ArrayBalanced TreeLinked ListHash Table + Linked List

Important Points on Java Collection Framework

Common points on all the above interface and classes:-

1) Most Java collection framework classes are given to store heterogeneous elements but TreeSet & TreeMap are two classes that allow only homogeneous elements. We can’t store heterogeneous elements in these two classes.

2) Usually, we use the Java collection framework to hold & transfer objects from one location to another location (container). To provide support for this requirement every collection class implements Serializable and Cloneable interfaces.

3) ArrayList & Vector classes implement the RandomAccess interface. Therefore in these 2 classes, we can access any random element with the same speed O(1). It means retrieving nth element directly without retrieving (n-1) elements. In other classes to access the 9th element first 8 elements should be iterate after that we can get the 9th element which reduces performance.

When to use which Java Collection Framework Class

In different project scenarios, we should choose the above collection classes as follows:-

ScenarioShould use 
Store objects in array formatCollection(I) implemented classes
Store objects in key, value formatMap(I) implemented classes
Store unique and/or duplicate elements in indexed orderList(I) implemented classes
Store only unique elementsSet(I) implemented classes
Store and retrieve elements in random orderArrayList or Vector
Insertion and deletion in the middleLinkedList
Store and retrieve elements in LIFO orderStack
Store unique elements without sorting orderHashSet
Store unique elements in insertion orderLinkedHashSet
Store homogeneous unique elements in sorting orderTreeSet
Store unique entriesHashMap
Store unique elements in insertion orderLinkedHashMap
Store homogeneous unique entries in sorting orderTreeMap

Utility and Helper classes

Except for these above classes, the Java collection framework contains several utility and helper classes which are used for different purposes.

For Sorting:- Comparator(I)


  1. Enumeration(I)
  2. Iterator(I)
  3. ListIterator(I)

Other Utility Classes

  1. Collections
  2. Arrays
  3. Random
  4. Scanner
  5. StringTockenizer
  6. Locale
  7. ResourceBundle
  8. Currency
  9. Date
  10. Calendar
  11. GregorianCalender

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