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In the previous post, we learned how to develop a user-defined custom exception in Java. We discussed it through a custom exception example. Now, we will develop more Java custom exception examples.
Prerequisite:- How to develop User-defined Custom exception in Java
Java Custom Exception Example – 1
Example1:- Register the person for voting based on age.
Develop a Java program to register the person for voting. If the age of the person is less than or equal to 17 (age <= 17) then he/she is not eligible for voting, don’t register them, give exception messages.
Step1) Develop NotEligibleException derived from java.lang.Exception class (that is NotEligibleException will be checked exception.)
public class NotEligibleException extends Exception {
// no-arg constructor
public NotEligibleException(){
// String-arg constructor
public NotEligibleException(String msg) {
Step2) Develop Register class and in this class, the checkAge(int age) method throws an Exception when the age of the person is less than or equal to 17.
public class Register {
public static void checkAge(int age)
throws NotEligibleException {
throw new NotEligibleException(
"Age<=17, not eligible for voting");
Step3) Develop VoterList class to perform the registering operations.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class VoterList {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// declare variables
int age = 0;
// create Scanner class object
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
// read age
System.out.print("Enter age: ");
age = scan.nextInt();
// check age
try {
System.out.println("Registering in the voting list.");
System.out.println("Registration completed.");
} catch(NotEligibleException e) {
The output for different test-cases:-
Enter age: 20
Registering in the voting list.
Registration completed.
Enter age: 16
Age<=17, not eligible for voting
Java Custom Exception Example – 2
Create an ATM class to perform deposit and withdrawal operations. Define custom exceptions InvalidAmountException, InsufficientFundsException to handle operations done by the customer in deposit and withdrawal operations.
Here we need to develop mainly 5 Java classes,
- InvalidAmountException:- for user-defined custom exception
- InsufficientFundsException:- for user-defined custom exception
- ATMCard:- An interface, which has properties deposit(), withdraw() and balanceEnquiry().
- Citibank:- A class implemented from ATMCard interface
- ATM:- A class to perform operations of ATM (automatic tailer machine).
We will also develop another Bank class for our better understanding purpose.
- AmericanBank:- Another class implemented from ATMCard interface.
All Banks have these properties,
- Customers are not allowed to deposit amount <= 0 ( In this case throw InvalidAmountException).
- Customers are not allowed to withdraw amount <= 0 (throw InvalidAmountException).
- Customers are also not allowed to withdraw an amount greater than (>) the available amount (throw InsufficientFundsException ).
// InvalidAmountException.java
public class InvalidAmountException extends Exception {
// no-arg constructor
public InvalidAmountException(){
// String-arg constructor
public InvalidAmountException(String msg) {
// InsufficientFundsException.java
public class InsufficientFundsException extends Exception {
// no-arg constructor
public InsufficientFundsException(){
public InsufficientFundsException(String msg){
// String-arg constructor
// ATMCard.java // Contains abstract methods interface ATMCard { public void deposit(double amount) throws InvalidAmountException; public double withdraw(double amount) throws InvalidAmountException, InsufficientFundsException; public double balanceEnquiry(); }
// CitiBank.java
public class CitiBank implements ATMCard{
// balance should not be accessible to everyone
private double balance;
// instance block
// Opening account balance with 1500
// you can take any number
this.balance = 1500;
// method to perform deposit operation
public void deposit(double amount)
throws InvalidAmountException {
if( amount <= 0) {
throw new InvalidAmountException(
"Invalid amount; amount<=0");
balance = balance + amount;
// method to perform withdraw operation
public double withdraw(double amount)
throws InvalidAmountException,
InsufficientFundsException {
if( amount <= 0) {
throw new InvalidAmountException(
"Invalid amount; amount<=0");
if( balance < amount) {
throw new InsufficientFundsException(amount +
" not available in your account");
balance = balance - amount;
return amount;
// method to perform balanceEnquiry operation
public double balanceEnquiry(){
return balance;
All banks are doing the same thing so, code-wise no difference between AmericanBank.java and Citibank.java
public class AmericanBank implements ATMCard {
// balance should not be accessible to everyone
private double balance;
// instance block
// Opening account with 2000
this.balance = 2000;
// method to perform deposit operation
public void deposit(double amount)
throws InvalidAmountException {
if( amount <= 0) {
throw new InvalidAmountException(
"Invalid amount; amount<=0");
balance = balance + amount;
// method to perform withdraw operation
public double withdraw(double amount)
throws InvalidAmountException,
InsufficientFundsException {
if( amount <= 0) {
throw new InvalidAmountException(
"Invalid amount; amount<=0");
if( balance < amount) {
throw new InsufficientFundsException(amount +
" not available in your account");
balance = balance - amount;
return amount;
// method to perform balanceEnquiry operation
public double balanceEnquiry(){
return balance;
Class for Performing Operations
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ATM {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws InstantiationException,
IllegalAccessException {
/* Declare variables
* To avoid NullPointerException
* initialize them with their default value
String bankName = null, nextOption = null;
int option = null;
double amount = 0.0, withdrawalAmount = 0.0;
// create Scanner class object
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
/* Outer while loop wil keep ATM machine
* always in the active mode
* Program will remain always active
// read input
System.out.print("Enter ATMCard (BankName): ");
bankName = scan.next();
try {
// reading class dynamically at runtime
ATMCard card =
start: //label
while(true) { //inner-while loop
System.out.println("\n*****Choose operation*****");
System.out.println(" 1. Deposit");
System.out.println(" 2. Withdraw");
System.out.println(" 3. Balance Enquiry");
System.out.println(" 4. Exit");
option = scan.nextInt();
try {
// deposit operation
case 1:
System.out.print("Enter amount to deposit: ");
amount = scan.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Amount "+ amount +
" deposited");
// withdraw operation
case 2:
System.out.print("Enter amount to withdraw: ");
amount = scan.nextDouble();
withdrawalAmount = card.withdraw(amount);
System.out.println("Collect "+
withdrawalAmount+" cash");
// balance-enquiry operation
case 3:
System.out.println("Current Balance: "+
// exit operation
case 4:
break start;
System.out.println("Invalid option");
} //switch close
// Ask for next operation
System.out.println("\nDo you want to continue? ");
System.out.print("Enter Y or N: ");
nextOption = scan.next();
break start;
} // inner-try close
catch (InvalidAmountException e) {
} catch (InsufficientFundsException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
} // inner-catch close
} //inner-while close
} // outer-try close
catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Bank is not available.");
} catch (Exception e) {
} // outer-catch close
System.out.println(" Thank You :) Visit again");
} //outer-while close
} // main-method close
} //class close
Note:- We are reading BankName dynamically using reflection API, so before executing the ATM class, byte code (.class files) of all classes should be available.
This program execution will only stop when we use System.Exit(0); in the ATM.java class.
Different Test cases for ATM class
The output of different test-cases are:-
Enter ATMCard (BankName): BankOfAmerica Bank is not available. *********************************** Thank You :) Visit again ***********************************
Enter ATMCard (BankName): AmericanBank *****Choose operation***** 1. Deposit 2. Withdraw 3. Balance Enquiry 4. Exit 3 Current Balance: 2000.0 Do you want to continue? Enter Y or N: y *****Choose operation***** 1. Deposit 2. Withdraw 3. Balance Enquiry 4. Exit 1 Enter amount to deposit: -500 Invalid amount; amount<=0 *****Choose operation***** 1. Deposit 2. Withdraw 3. Balance Enquiry 4. Exit 1 Enter amount to deposit: 900 Amount 900.0 deposited Do you want to continue? Enter Y or N: y *****Choose operation***** 1. Deposit 2. Withdraw 3. Balance Enquiry 4. Exit 3 Current Balance: 2900.0 Do you want to continue? Enter Y or N: y *****Choose operation***** 1. Deposit 2. Withdraw 3. Balance Enquiry 4. Exit 2 Enter amount to withdraw: -1000 Invalid amount; amount<=0 *****Choose operation***** 1. Deposit 2. Withdraw 3. Balance Enquiry 4. Exit 2 Enter amount to withdraw: 2500 Collect 2500.0 cash Do you want to continue? Enter Y or N: y *****Choose operation***** 1. Deposit 2. Withdraw 3. Balance Enquiry 4. Exit 3 Current Balance: 400.0 Do you want to continue? Enter Y or N: n *********************************** Thank You :) Visit again ***********************************
Enter ATMCard (BankName): CitiBank *****Choose operation***** 1. Deposit 2. Withdraw 3. Balance Enquiry 4. Exit 3 Current Balance: 1500.0 Do you want to continue? Enter Y or N: y *****Choose operation***** 1. Deposit 2. Withdraw 3. Balance Enquiry 4. Exit 4 *********************************** Thank You :) Visit again ***********************************
Enter ATMCard (BankName): CitiBank *****Choose operation***** 1. Deposit 2. Withdraw 3. Balance Enquiry 4. Exit 5 Invalid option Do you want to continue? Enter Y or N: n *********************************** Thank You :) Visit again ***********************************
Related Java topics
- Different ways to get the exception message in Java
- Java Inline Thread Creation
- Different ways to set the Java path
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I tried this program but getting default Bank not Found .Please help me to provide the solution.
Hello Akshaya, could you please provide more information about the output? No “Bank” class is used in example2. Before executing the ATM class, make sure you had compiled all remaining classes.