How to Convert String to Number in JavaScript?

How to Convert String to Number in JavaScript? Here, we will discuss how to convert a string to a number in JavaScript. With examples, we’ll examine the various methods and their syntax. Programming’s essential, the foundational idea is data management. And using JavaScript to convert a string to a number is a common and straightforward procedure.

In JavaScript, a number can be represented as an integer (for instance, “7”) or even as a string. However, because they are two entirely distinct categories of items, using a rigid comparison method to compare and contrast the two would be ineffective.

var num1 = 4;
var num2 = '4';
if (num1 === num2) {
else {



Convert String to Number in JavaScript using the parseInt() Function

JavaScript offers us a number of simple ways to convert a string to a basic number. Let’s examine JavaScript’s parseInt() function for converting strings to numbers.

A string is the first input to the parseInt() function. Additionally, a base is required in order to transform the string. An integer will always be the value that is returned.

parseInt(string, radix)

The number system to be used is specified by a radix parameter: 16 is hexadecimal, 2 is binary, 8 is octal, and 10 is decimal. JavaScript presumes radix is 10 in the absence of radix. JavaScript uses radix 16 if the value starts with “0x”.

var num = '4';
var int = parseInt(num, 10);



Convert String to Number in JavaScript using the parseFloat() Function

We can observe how JavaScript changes a text into a point number in this technique. A number with decimal points is known as a floating point number. JavaScript will also return the value if we pass strings with arbitrary content in them.

var ranNum = '2030IamTheBest';
var pointNum = parseFloat(ranNum);




Convert String to Number in JavaScript by Multiplying String with 1

This approach is maybe the quickest way to get our transformed values. After multiplying a string with a number it is converted into a number type. If the given string doesn’t contain a number then after multiplication it produces NaN.

let str = '5423';
let floatStr = '22.524';
let nanStr = 'Know Program';

str = str * 1;
floatStr = floatStr * 1;
nanStr = nanStr * 1;

console.log(typeof (str))
console.log(typeof (floatStr))
console.log(typeof (nanStr))



In order to receive the results in integer or point number format, we must multiply our strings by 1 in this approach. To achieve the same outcome, we can alternatively add using the ‘+’ operator as an option.

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