Null Coalescing Operator in JavaScript

Null Coalescing Operator in JavaScript | When its left-hand side operand is null or undefined, the nullish coalescing operator (??) returns its right-hand side operand; in all other cases, it returns its left-hand side operand.

The logical OR (||) operator is a special example of the nullish coalescing operator. If any false value other than null or undefined is present in the left operand, the latter returns the right-side operand. In other words, if you consider any false values (such ” or 0) to be valid, you can experience unexpected behavior if you use || to assign some default value to another variable foo. More instances are shown below.

The null coalescing operator directly above the conditional (ternary) operator and below | |, has the fifth-lowest operator precedence. See more:- JavaScript Operator Precedence. Directly combining the AND (&&) and OR (||) operators with?? is not possible. In these circumstances, a syntax error will be raised.

null || undefined ?? "foo"; // raises a SyntaxError
true || undefined ?? "foo"; // raises a Syntax Error

Instead, use parenthesis to distinctly denote priority:-

(null || undefined) ?? "foo"; // returns "foo"

leftExpr ?? rightExpr

The operator for null coalescence ?? enables quick selection of the first “defined” value from a list.

It’s employed to give variables default values:-

// set height=130, if height is null or undefined
height = height ?? 130;

When employing the operator?? in an equation, take into account inserting parentheses because it has relatively low precedence, only slightly higher than the ? and =.

Note that It is prohibited to use it without explicit parenthesis with || or &&.

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