How To Limit Size of an Array In JavaScript

How To Limit Size of an Array In JavaScript? An array is a powerful data type that can store more than one value. It is generally used to store a list of items. The position of an element stored in an array is called an index. In JavaScript, an array can have an index ranging from 0 to 2^32, which means it can contain a large amount of data. 

Is it possible to limit the size of an array? We will try to answer this question in the following article. The following are the methods by which you can limit JavaScript array size. 

Limit Size of an Array In JavaScript Using the Slice method

The slice() method can be used to cut out elements from an array. It does not change the original array but returns a new array instead. 

array.slice(start, end)

let arr = [2, 3, 5, 7, 9];
let new_arr = arr.slice(0, 3);


[ 2, 3, 5 ]

In the above example, the slice method limits the array by returning a new array of length 3. It will contain the first three elements of the array arr.

Limit Size of an Array In JavaScript Using the Splice method

The splice() method takes in a start value and a delete count argument, which can be used to set a limit to an array. This method makes changes directly to the array on which it is called. It also takes a new element optional argument which can be used to add elements after the start point.

array.splice(start, deleteCount, newElement1, newElement2 … newElement3)

arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
arr.splice(4, 2)


[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

In the above example, the start position is 4, and the delete count is 2, which means it will delete 2 elements on and after index 4. Thus the array size will be limited.

Limit Size of an Array In JavaScript Using Length Property

The length property of an array sets the number of elements in an array. It can be used to set JavaScript array limits.

array.length = number

arr = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
arr.length = 3


[ 1, 3, 5 ]

In the above example, the arr.length property is set to 3. Which retains only three elements from the original array and deletes the remaining ones. Thus we have discussed the methods which can be used to limit the size of an Array In JavaScript.

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