JavaScript Remove Last Digit from Number

JavaScript Remove Last Digit from Number | Prior to the advent of Bitwise operators, an integer is converted to a string, and then that string is sliced and the remaining portion is run using string techniques. A type conversion, i.e. converting an integer to a string, is required here.

The debut of Bitwise OR, on the other hand, has made the work a lot easier. Once Bitwise OR is used, there really is no requirement for type conversion and no need for any string operations, which reduces the complexity of the code. We will see both the methods in the article to remove the last digit number in JavaScript. 

Example 1:
int = 1029
After removing the last digit from the number:-

Example 2:
int = 048
After removing the last digit from the number:-

JavaScript Remove Last Digit from Number using substring()

The substring() function displays the portion of the string among the indices provided. To remove the last digit number in JavaScript, use the following code:-

var str = 132401;
var result = str.toString().substring(0, str.toString().length - 1);



JavaScript Remove Last Digit from Number using slice()

The slice() method generates a string that contains the text extracted from a string between the provided indexes. Here’s how to do that with str.slice (0, -n). To remove the last digit number JavaScript we use n, which defines the number of digits or characters that you want to remove. One can delete the last letter or digit from the string with the sample code:

var num = 123456;
var str = num.toString();
num = str.slice(0, str.length - 1);



Let us see another example using a String value.

var str = '683748';
str = str.slice(0, str.length - 1);



Program to remove the last digit from a number using slice() with negative indexes in JavaScript

var str = '985687';
str = str.slice(0, -1);



Remove Last Digit Number JavaScript Using substr()

The substr() method also can be used in JavaScript to remove the last digit from the number. We should make use of the substring() method rather than the substr() method because it is deemed a legacy method.

var str = 132401;
var result = str.toString().substr(0, str.toString().length - 1);



Remove Last Digit from Number Using division method

You could simply divide the value by ten and then use Math.floor() to solve the problem.

var num = 4043498;
var newNum = Math.floor(4043498 / 10);



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