JavaScript Order of Operations

JavaScript Order of Operations | The adage “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” or PEMDAS may be known to you. It displays the operator precedence or order of operations in mathematical equations.

  • Parentheses
  • Exponents
  • Multiplication/Division
  • Addition/Subtraction

Although these laws are broadened in programming languages, they nonetheless have a similar structure. just omitting the well-known phrase.

You have used JavaScript’s operator precedence if you have ever declared a variable. The operator precedence table is included in the MDN documentation. This table is divided into sections, and the precedence of each operator is assigned a number. Understanding that the greater number is parsed first is crucial. Also see:- JavaScript Operator Precedence

Let us look at a few examples:

const a = 2 + 4 * 7;



How many operators can you count in the aforementioned example? The assignment operator = is a third less evident operator in addition to the two obvious operators (+ & *).

This line of code’s flow of operations is rather simple to understand.

  • ‘a’ is a variable that has been declared.
  • “a” denotes a mathematical equation.
  • JS figures out the equation:
  • 4 * 7 is calculated. PEMDAS’s multiplication component, or the 15th power on the table,
  • 2 plus 28 occurs. PEMDAS addition component, often known as power 14,
  • The assignment operator, which has a precedence power of 3, resolves to assign our variable a value of 30.

When there are several operators with the same precedence, the associativity difference is relevant.

const b = (12 - 2) + 8 > 1 + 3;



  • Parentheses come before anything else, 12-2.
  • The following two operations are addition and subtraction, in the associative sequence of left to right.
    • 10 + 8
    • 1 + 3
  • Our logical operator is now: 18 >4
  • b is finally given the value true. 18 is more than 4, thus 18.
  • The aforementioned examples are straightforward and don’t veer too far from mathematics. Operator precedence has many edge cases, many of which I’m sure I haven’t even encountered yet.

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