Dynamic Variable Name in JavaScript

Dynamic Variable Name in JavaScript | Dynamic variable names is hardly ever used in JavaScript to change the names of variables in applications. By not giving the dynamic variable any value, it is not assigned. Its value is dynamically modified or updated. The implementation of real-world problems using complex or advanced programming requires the use of this method.

Similar to PHP, JavaScript has trouble dynamically implementing variable names. But different approaches can all get the same result. For dynamic reasons, users no longer need to hard code the variable name. Two automatically produced techniques are presented that dynamically change the variable names while the programs eval() and window object are running. Also see:- Get Type Of Variable in JavaScript

The use of dynamic variable names in JavaScript is explained in detail in this post. JavaScript uses two methods to use dynamic variables.

Method 1: eval() method for dynamic variables.
Method 2: window object method for dynamic variables.

Dynamic Variable Name in JavaScript using eval() Method

The eval() method in JavaScript evaluates JavaScript code that is provided as a string as an argument. eval() receives a string as a parameter. eval() evaluates the expression if the string is an expression.

We supply a text to the eval() function that declares the variable valuei, and used it for each iteration. This is carried out via the eval() function, which also creates the variable with the specified values. The following code uses eval() to implement creating dynamic variable names.

var val = 'value';

var i = 0;

for (i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
    eval('var ' + val + i + '= ' + i + ';');

console.log("value1 = " + value1);


value1 = 1

JavaScript Dynamic Variable Name Using Method Object

There is always a global object specified in JavaScript. Global variables are created by the application as members of the global object. The global object in the browser is the window object. With the window object, any global variables or functions can be accessed.

After declaring a global variable, we can use the window object to get at its value. The window object is used to implement dynamic variable names in the code shown below. For each iteration of I the code essentially creates a global variable with the dynamic name “valuei” and assigns a value of I to it. Later on, these variables become global variables and can be used elsewhere in the script.

var i;

for (i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
    window['value' + i] = + i;

console.log("value1 = " + value1);


value1 = 1

JavaScript uses the window object and the eval() method as its two primary methods for using dynamic variable names. A string of JavaScript expressions is evaluated via the eval() method. To access any method and global variables for dynamically changing variable names, use the window object.

Here, you learned how to utilize JavaScript to use dynamic variable names. For easier comprehension, we have supplied a number of JavaScript examples that illustrate how to solve the issue by using eval() and the window object approach.

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