Convert Array To Map in JavaScript

Convert Array To Map in JavaScript | For convenience or efficiency benefits, it can be good to occasionally transform an array into a map. But how can we do that in a way that makes the final code simple to understand?

The data structure where a value may be accessed using a unique key is referred to as a “map” in this context. Although objects can be used as maps in JavaScript, there is also a unique Map type with various benefits and drawbacks compared to utilizing objects. This article will discuss Map in a bit of detail.

Say we have several projects we wish to organize by month of completion. We may need to do this if we frequently access projects from a particular month and don’t want to go through the array each time or use React/Vue/Svelte to render the projects into month components.

We can accomplish this in a few different ways. We will first examine how to achieve this using the Array.reduce() method before discussing how to simplify things using for..of.

Convert Array To Map in JavaScript – Constructor Map() and map array()

We may use the Array map() method to produce an array of key-value pairs from an array of objects and then provide that array to the Map() constructor to create a Map object.

const arr = [
  { key: "user1", value: "Alex" },
  { key: "user2", value: "Sid" },
  { key: "user3", value: "Rick" },

const map = new Map( => [obj.key, obj.value]));



Map(3) { ‘user1’ => ‘Alex’, ‘user2’ => ‘Sid’, ‘user3’ => ‘Rick’ }

Convert Array To Map in JavaScript Using forEach() & set() 

Another technique to transform an array of items into a map is with the Array forEach() function. We start by making a new Map object. Then, we execute the Map set() method in the callback supplied to forEach to add entries for each array element to the Map (). Here’s an illustration:-

const arr = [
  { key: "user1", value: "Alex" },
  { key: "user2", value: "Sid" },
  { key: "user3", value: "Rick" },

const map = new Map();
arr.forEach((obj) => {
  map.set(obj.key, obj.value);



Map(3) { ‘user1’ => ‘Alex’, ‘user2’ => ‘Sid’, ‘user3’ => ‘Rick’ }

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