How IoT Prevents Food Wastage and Helps Supermarkets

How IoT Prevents Food Wastage and Helps Supermarkets | Because of the ongoing rise in population and the inability to develop existing natural resources, the issue of food waste seems to have become a serious concern impacting humanity. It is a major nutritional, social and environmental concern. This is due to the fact that one-third of all produced food for human use is wasted or lost globally. This equates to billions of tonnes of food wasted each year.

Food waste is defined as food that is not suitable for human consumption that is wasted, whether or not it has been held over its date of expiry or has been allowed to expire. This is frequently related to food spoilage, but it may also be due to other factors such as market oversupply or individual customer shopping/eating habits.

Every IoT app development company is trying to develop new applications and technologies to make distribution channels more efficient, decreasing wasted food is the upcoming issue to overcome. IoT not only emphasizes and organizes the food supply chain, but it may also minimize food waste and can also enhance food safety.

Food losses are defined as a reduction in the quantity or nutritive quality of food that was initially intended for human utilization. These losses are mostly the result of inefficiencies in food supply chains, such as inadequate infrastructure and logistics, a lack of technology, a lack of skills, knowledge, and managerial capacity among supply chain actors, and a lack of market access. Check out the IoT Starter Kits from Boodskap.

Technology and IoT Prevents Food Wastage

To expand and evolve, the massive industry of F & B has made several technological breakthroughs with the help of technology. IoT is now a source of stability for most businesses; nonetheless, it is difficult to explain why wastage has remained a problem for the majority of those in this field. Wastage does not just take place at the users level; a lot of food waste occurs throughout the production, transport, and even at the different stages of distribution as well. 

Why Does the Industry Require IoT for the Reduction of Food Waste?

The foremost and most important issue that arises before associating an enterprise with technologies is how it may assist increase an enterprise’s efficiency. IoT prevents food wastage in industrial businesses by supporting inefficient and inefficient operations, which are a part of the primary sources of food waste.

Wastage of food further raises distribution & collection expenses, resulting in higher product costs for both the supplier and the end customer. To address such difficulties, IoT solutions can provide a digital record of all food manufacturing operations, addressing supply chain demands. IoT boosts the rate at which food travels in the supply chain to prevent spoiling and supports incremental improvements to the whole supply chain.

How does IoT Prevent Food Wastage and Improves Food Safety?

By gathering and delivering real-time data, IoT assists manufacturers in determining where food wastage is happening. This data provides insights that may subsequently be used to assist investors in making key operational choices. The initial stage in IoT implementation is the collecting of info about the physical environment/conditions wherein the food product is currently held (e.g., temperature, humidity) or about objects (e.g., crop identification, meat, etc.). 

Data acquisition is accomplished through the use of various sensing technologies attached to sensors, cameras, and GPS (Global Positioning System) terminals, whereas data collection is generally accomplished through short-range communications, which could be open-source standard solutions (e.g., ZigBee, Bluetooth) or proprietary solutions (e.g., ZWave). 

IoT system collects data during the manufacture, retail, storage, and transportation phases of a product’s life cycle. In this approach, consumers only use acquired information in various stages of the life cycle, not to track product shelf life.

IoT Sensors

Lots of quantity of food is lost throughout the process of manufacturing since food passes through several phases that need heavy equipment and technology. Food is sometimes thrown away during transport and storage. IoT provides solutions to decrease food waste by deploying several sensors and cameras across plants. These sensors capture critical data on food manufacturing in real-time in order to pinpoint the sources of food loss.

IoT may get information such as the expiration date of various items, what more stock is left, what products are filled to capacity and which are not, and so on. IoT sensors may also recognize and categorize items depending on how quickly they decay, allowing distribution to be planned accordingly. All of these elements contribute to increased supply chain tracking and the identification of the core cause of food waste.

Most F&B manufacturers are using IoT technology by implementing smart, creative kitchens and restaurants. This allows them to manage and record the status and other environmental variables, which are critical for keeping food and preserving product quality.

Predictive analytics backed by cloud infrastructure and IoT-based sensor technologies can identify food contamination before it is served. Sensors may also monitor chemical and biological reactions throughout the production and transportation processes. This method allows for the easy detection and eradication of infections, ensuring that the items are safe to ingest.

Smart Organization

The retail business benefits from IoT, and properly arranging food goods is a critical step toward decreasing food waste. Unorganized storage, disorganized and dispersed food goods can all have an impact on supply chain visibility. Adopting smart shelves with sensors is critical to keep a check on how food goods are managed and kept. The sensors gather and deliver real-time data, which assists in determining if the items are in excellent condition and tracking inventories. If problems develop, IoT-based sensors notify management so that they may solve them before food is rotten.


The Internet of Things food waste minimization system not only provides real-time information about the status of the food product at each stage of its life cycle but also predicts its shelf life. In this approach, each stockholder in the product life cycle may anticipate the remaining shelf life in the event that is of relevance to them. 

Throughout this approach, he or she may decide whether to stick with the current strategy or modify it in order to help reduce waste. For example, if a vehicle malfunctions during the delivery process and the temperature changes above a critical limit, the distributor can anticipate shelf life and decide whether to proceed with the schedule and make deliveries to retailers or to bring it back to the producers.

This is particularly essential for the end-user/consumer since it provides an estimate of the shelf life of previously bought food in-home storage (fridge, pantry, basement, etc.), as well as knowledge to plan future purchases in order to avoid food accumulation and reduce food waste.

Food waste can occur throughout the “food cycle,” which includes farm productivity, post-harvest storage and handling, food processing, supply, consumption, and end-of-life disposal. IoT devices can be used to reduce the severity of this catastrophe.

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