# Java Programs
Java Basic
➤ Introduction to Java
➤ Java Editions & Concepts
➤ How to Run Java program
➤ Java Hello World program
➤ How to set the Java path
➤ Classpath Environment
➤ Tokens in Java Language
➤ List of Java Keywords
➤ Identifiers in Java
➤ Data types in Java
➤ Float & double in Java
➤ Literals in Java
➤ Escape Sequence In Java
➤ Unicode character set
➤ String data type in Java
➤ Arithmetic operators in Java
➤ Increment and Decrement
➤ Comments in Java
➤ Java Naming Conventions
➤ Static Import in Java
Java tokens | In Java, tokens are the smallest unit in a program that can’t be divided further. Except for comments and white space, anything we write in the Java program will be treated as a token.
Java supports five different tokens,
- Identifiers
- Keywords
- Literals
- Operators
- Special Symbols
Every word or symbol written in the below Java program will come under any one of the above five tokens.
class Test{
public static void main(String[] args) {
int number=9;
double variable=1.5;
The name of the basic programming element is called Identifier. The identifiers in Java are used for identifying or finding a programming element from other parts of the program or project.
There are certain rules for defining an identifier. If we define any basic programming element without a name then we will get a compile-time error: <identifier> expected.
A predefined identifier that has special meaning in a Java program outside comment and string is called a Keyword. Or, A keyword is a reserved word in Java language inside the compiler and JVM that perform a unique and special operation. A word that is created as part of the compiler and JVM software to represent a value is called Reserved words.
In Java, there are 64 reserved words, among them 51 are keywords, 3 are literals and 10 restricted words are there.
Reserved words (64)
- Keywords (51)
- Literals (3)
- Restricted words (10)
Keywords are used to communicate with compiler and JVM to perform one special operation on our program.
Table with all Java keywords
_ | extends | protected |
abstract | final | public |
assert | finally | return |
boolean | float | short |
break | for | static |
byte | goto | strictfp |
case | if | super |
catch | implements | switch |
char | import | synchronized |
class | instanceof | this |
const | int | throw |
continue | interface | throws |
default | long | transient |
do | native | try |
double | new | void |
else | package | volatile |
enum | private | while |
Any constant value in the program is called a literal. Literals in Java are used to represent value or assign variables value. Examples of literals:- 9, 9.5, ‘a’, “a”, true, false, null, and e.t.c.
Types of literals in Java
Based on the different types of data we store in the program, Java supports 7 types of literals. These are,
- Integral literals
- Floating-point literals
- Character literals
- Conditional literals
- String literals
- Null Literals
Integral, floating-point, and character literals examples,
Data Types | Literals Example |
byte | (byte)9, (byte)50 e.t.c. |
short | (short)10, (short)50 e.t.c. |
int | 9, 5, 50, 800 e.t.c. |
long | 9L, 10L, 55L e.t.c. |
float | 5.0F, 9.0F, 50.5F, e.t.c |
double | 5.0, 50.5, 95.2, e.t.c |
char | ‘A’, ‘a’, ‘5’, ‘@’, ‘$’, e.t.c |
Other Literals
Literals | Example |
Conditional literals (boolean) | true, false |
String literals | “a”, “Hello”, e.t.c. |
Null literal | null |
In Java Operators are given to perform various mathematical operations. The different operators in Java are,
- Arithmetic Operators
- Increment and Decrement Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Ternary Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Shift Operators
- Instanceof operator
Arithmetic Operators used to perform mathematical operations. The arithmetic operators in Java can operate on any built-in data type. These are,
Operator | Meaning |
+ | Addition |
– | Substraction |
* | Multiplacation |
/ | Division |
% | Modulus |
Increment and decrement operators in Java are also known as unary operators because they operate on a single operand. The increment operator (++) adds 1 to its operand and decrement operator (–) subtracts one.
Operator | Meaning |
++ | Increment Operator |
_ _ | Decrement Operator |
Special Symbols
Special Symbols: These symobols having some special meaning in the program. These are total 12 special symbols:- ( ) { } [ ] ; , . ... @ ::
Special Symbols | Used for |
() | Generally it is used for method calls and method parameters. |
{} | It is used to indicate the start and end of a block of the code containing more than one executable statement. |
[] | It is used for array element reference. |
; | Used to terminate the statement. |
, | Used to seperate two values. |
. | It is used to access data of an object. |
... | It is used with var args. |
@ | Used with annonation. |
:: | Used to call a method by referring to it with the help of its class directly. |
Some important points:-
(double colon) is a separator, not an operator in Java. It is used for referencing method and constructor. It was given in the Java1.8 version.- The arrow(
) is a lambda expression, not a separator in Java, and it was also given in the Java1.8 version. - The separators
were given in Java1.5 version.
Java basic elements
Java supports 10 programming elements for implementing object-oriented programming concepts by using Java language.
- Module (from Java9 onwards):- used for grouping related packages and their classes.
- package:- It is a folder used to group related classes, interfaces, and enums. It is also used to separate new classes from existed classes if both have the same name.
- class:- It is used for declaring real-world objects. An abstract class is used for declaring some operations and implementing some other. A concrete class is used for implementing all operations. The final class is used for implementing all operations and to stop creating subclasses.
- Interface:- It is used only for declaring object operation.
- enum (from Java1.5 onwards):- It is meant for declaring named constants.
- annotation (from Java1.5 onwards):- It is used for providing a description and configurational values.
- Variable:- it is a named memory location used to store Java data, such as numbers, characters, strings, etc.
- Method:- It is a sub-block of a class used to implement the logic of object operations. Rule:- Logic should be placed only inside a method, can’t be placed at the class level directly.
- Constructor:- It is used for initializing the object.
- Block:- It is also used for initializing an object.
Note:- Constructor and block are allowed only inside a class and enum.
The interface is a fully unimplemented class, it is used for defining set object operations. Whereas class is fully implemented, it is used for implementing object operations.
Enum was introduced in Java 5 version to create a set of named constants for creating menu kind of items such as Restaurant, Bar menu.
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