C++ Program to Swap Two Number

C++ Program to Swap Two Number | In this tutorial, We will swap two Numbers using a temporary variable or without using any temporary variable. To write this program you should understand what is data types in C++.  There are various methods to swap two numbers.

C++ program to swap two Number using the third variable

using namespace std;
int main()
  float num1, num2, temp;

  cout << "Enter two Number: ";
  cin >> num1 >> num2;

  //Display Numbers before Swapping
  cout << "Before Swap," << endl;
  cout << "num1 = " << num1 << endl;
  cout << "num2 = " << num2 << endl;

  //Swap num1 and num2
  temp = num1;
  num1 = num2;
  num2 = temp;

  //Display Numbers after Swapping
  cout << "\nAfter Swap," << endl;
  cout << "num1 = " << num1 << endl;
  cout << "num2 = " << num2 << endl;

  return 0;


Enter two Number: 12 15
Before Swap,
num1 = 12
num2 = 15

After Swap,
num1 = 15
num2 = 12

C++ program to swap two Number without using any third variable

Here we will use arithmetic operators + and to swap two number.

using namespace std;
int main()
  int n1, n2;

  cout << "Enter two Number: ";
  cin >> n1 >> n2;

  n1 = n1 + n2;
  n2 = n1 - n2;
  n1 = n1 - n2;

  cout << "After swap:" << endl;
  cout << n1 << " " << n2 << endl;

  return 0;

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