Pointers Examples
➤ Pointer Basic Examples
➤ Dynamic Memory Allocation
➤ Read Write Array with Pointer
➤ Sum Avg of Array with Pointer
➤ Sort Array with Pointer
➤ Search in Array using Pointer
➤ Sum of N Numbers
➤ Largest Number by DMA
➤ C Program Without Main()
➤ Hello World Without ;
➤ Process & Parent Process ID
➤ C Program Without Header File
➤ void main(), main() vs int main()
➤ fork() function in C
➤ Why gets function is dangerous
➤ Undefined reference to sqrt
Here we will develop basic C program examples using the pointer. For example:- C Program to add Two Number Using Pointer, Find Area of Circle Using Pointer, Find Largest among three number using the pointer, Check Odd-Even using Pointer, C program examples Find Sum and average in Range using Pointer, Find Character is vowel or consonant using Pointer, C program examples to Swap Numbers in Cyclic Order using Pointer
C Program to add Two Number Using Pointer
int main()
int a, b, c;
int *pa, *pb, *pc;
pa=&a, pb=&b, pc=&c;
printf("Enter two number: ");
scanf("%d %d", pa, pb);
// pa and pb have address of a & b respectively
*pc = *pa + *pb;
return 0;
Enter two number: 10,20
10 + 20 = 30
pa, pb, and pc point to the address of three variables a, b, and c. After addition, the sum value will be stored in variable pc. Similarly, we can do Subtraction, Multiplication,
Add two Number Using Pointer & Function
Same task can be done using function also. Address of variables a, b, and c are passed to function.
int add(int *a, int *b, int *c);
int main()
int num1, num2, sum;
int *pnum1, *pnum2, *psum;
pnum1= &num1, pnum2= &num2, psum= ∑
printf("Enter two number: ");
scanf("%d %d", pnum1, pnum2);
add(pnum1, pnum2, psum);
printf("%d + %d = %d\n", *pnum1, *pnum2, *psum);
return 0;
int add(int *a, int *b, int *c)
*c = *a + *b;
C Program to find Area of Circle Using Pointer
If the radius of a circle is r then Area is given by ℼ*r2
#define PI 3.14
int main()
double r, area;
double *pr, *parea;
pr= &r, parea=&area;
printf("Enter radius: ");
*parea = PI*(*pr)*(*pr);
printf("Area of radius %.3lf = %.3lf\n", *pr, *parea);
return 0;
Enter radius: 9.7
Area of radius 9.700000 = 295.44
In Similar way we can also find area of Triangle, and Rectangle.
Find Area of Circle Using Pointer & Function
#define PI 3.14
int circlearea(double *r, double *area);
int main()
double r, area;
double *pr, *parea;
pr= &r, parea= &area;
printf("Enter radius: ");
circlearea(pr, parea);
printf("Area of radius %lf = %.2lf\n",*pr, *parea);
return 0;
int circlearea(double *r, double *area)
*area = PI * *r * *r;
C Program to find Largest among three number using the pointer
int main()
float x, y, z;
float *px, *py, *pz;
px=&x, py=&y, pz=&z;
printf("Enter three number:");
scanf("%f %f %f", px, py, pz);
if(*px > *py)
if(*px > *pz)
printf("Biggest = %.2f", *px);
printf("Biggest = %.2f", *pz);
if(*py > *pz)
printf("Biggest = %.2f", *py);
printf("Biggest = %.2f", *pz);
return 0;
Enter three number: 45 5 52
Largest = 52
We can use AND (&) operator, which will be short form to Find Largest among Three Number.
Largest among three number using pointer & function
void find(int *x, int *y, int *z);
int main()
int a, b, c;
int *pa, *pb, *pc;
pa= &a, pb= &b, pc=&c;
printf("Enter three number: ");
scanf("%d %d %d", pa, pb, pc);
find(pa, pb, pc);
return 0;
void find(int *x, int *y, int *z)
if( (*x > *y) && (*x > *z) )
printf("Largest = %d", *x);
else if((*y > *x) && (*y > *z))
printf("Largest = %d", *y);
printf("Largest = %d", *z);
C Program to Check Odd-Even using Pointer
There are various methods to check Odd-Even. But, it can be solved using pointer also.
int main()
int num, rem;
int *pnum;
pnum= #
printf("Enter number: ");
scanf("%d",pnum); //pnum has address of num
rem= *pnum % 2;
printf("%d is even.\n", *pnum);
printf("%d is odd.\n", *pnum);
return 0;
Enter number: 9
9 is odd.
C Program to Find Sum and average in Range using Pointer
Here we will find the Sum and Average (in Range) from number m to number n. We can initialize values of m and n directly as m=1 and n=10 or take values of m and n entered from the user. First, we will find the sum, and after that average. pm and
int main()
int m, n, i;
int *pm, *pn;
pm= &m, pn= &n;
double sum=0.0, avg;
double *psum, *pavg;
psum= &sum, pavg= &avg;
printf("Enter range (m and n values)(m<n): ");
scanf("%d %d", pm, pn);
*psum += i;
*pavg= (*psum) / (*pn - *pm + 1);
printf("Sum= %.2lf, Average= %.2lf", *psum, *pavg);
return 0;
Enter range (m and n values)(m<n): 10,20
Sum= 165.00, Average= 15.00
Find Sum & average in Range using Pointer & Function
double calculate(int *m, int *n, double *sum, double *avg);
int main()
int m, n;
int *pm, *pn;
pm= &m, pn= &n;
double sum=0.0, avg;
double *psum, *pavg;
psum= &sum, pavg= &avg;
printf("Enter m & n Values(m<n): ");
scanf("%d %d", pm, pn);
calculate(pm, pn, psum, pavg);
printf("Sum= %.2lf and average= %.2lf\n", *psum, *pavg);
return 0;
double calculate(int *m, int *n, double *sum, double *avg)
int i;
for(i=*m; i<=*n; i++)
*sum += i;
*avg = (*sum) / (*n -*m + 1);
C Program to find Character is vowel or consonant using Pointer
In English language A, E, I, O, U and a, e, i, o, u defined as vowel and Except all are consonants. We can check vowel and consonant using various ways.
int main()
char c, *pc;
pc= &c;
printf("Enter a character: ");
scanf("%c", pc);
if( (*pc=='A'||*pc=='E'||*pc=='I'||*pc=='O'||*pc=='U') ||
(*pc=='a'||*pc=='e'||*pc=='i'||*pc=='o'||*pc=='u') )
printf("%c is Vowel.\n", *pc);
printf("%c is consonant.\n", *pc);
return 0;
Enter a character: G
G is consonant.
C Program to swap Numbers in Cyclic Order using Pointer
If The Numbers are 3,5,9 then After Swapping its order becomes 9,3,5
We are using the pointer so, we will use call by reference.
void swap(int *p, int *q, int *r);
int main()
int a, b, c;
int *pa, *pb, *pc;
pa=&a, pb=&b, pc=&c;
printf("Enter three integer: ");
scanf("%d %d %d",pa,pb,pc);
printf("Value Before Swapping:\n");
printf("a=%d \t b=%d \t c=%d\n", *pa, *pb, *pc);
printf("Value After Swapping:\n");
printf("a=%d \t b=%d \t c=%d\n", *pa, *pb, *pc);
return 0;
void swap(int *p, int *q, int *r)
int temp;
temp = *p;
*p = *r;
*r = *q;
*q = temp;
Enter three integer: 5 6 7
Value Before Swapping:
a=5 b=6 c=7
Value After Swapping:
a=7 b=5 c=6
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