Pointers Examples
➤ Pointer Basic Examples
➤ Dynamic Memory Allocation
➤ Read Write Array with Pointer
➤ Sum Avg of Array with Pointer
➤ Sort Array with Pointer
➤ Search in Array using Pointer
➤ Sum of N Numbers
➤ Largest Number by DMA
➤ C Program Without Main()
➤ Hello World Without ;
➤ Process & Parent Process ID
➤ C Program Without Header File
➤ void main(), main() vs int main()
➤ fork() function in C
➤ Why gets function is dangerous
➤ Undefined reference to sqrt
C Program to get Process ID and Parent Process ID | In Linux, each running task is known as “Process”. Kernal assigns each process running in memory a unique ID called Process ID or PID. PID distinguishes one process from another running process.
Get Process ID and Parent Process ID
int main()
printf("Process ID: %d\n", getpid() );
printf("Parent Process ID: %d\n", getppid() );
return 0;
Process ID:23118
Parent Process ID:19713
Whenever we run the program a new process is created, Hence output (PID) will be different each time.
From one process we can create another process. To do this fork() library function will be used. fork() split one process into two
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