Python Replace Values In Array Condition

Python Replace Values In Array Condition | In this post, we will discuss how to replace values in an array based on a condition in Python programming language. The elements or values of a NumPy array can be substituted with distinct values based on a necessity or condition. The array components are examined, and if the actual value reaches the given situation it will be substituted with a further value.

To replace elements of an array based on a condition in Python, we can use one of these two different methods:-

  1. By Using Relational operators
  2. By Using numpy.where()

Python Replace Values In Array Condition By Using Relational Operators

Here, we can use Relational operators like ‘>’, ‘<‘, or other functions to replace values in an array.

# Importing Numpy module
import numpy as np

# Creating a 2-D Numpy array
n_arr = np.array([45, 52, 10, 5, 50, 25])
print("Given array: ")

print("\nReplace all elements of the array which are greater than 30. to 5.25")
n_arr[n_arr > 30.] = 5.25

print("New array: ")


Given array:
[45 52 10 5 50 25]

Replace all elements of the array which are greater than 30. to 5.25
New array:
[ 5 5 10 5 5 25]

Python Replace Values In Array Condition By Using numpy.where()

Here, we can use functions like numpy.where() to replace values in an array.

# Importing Numpy module
import numpy as np

# Creating a 2-D Numpy array
n_arr = np.array([[45, 25, 10],
                  [15, 51, 25]])

print("Given array:")

print("\nReplace all elements of array which are \
greater than or equal to 25 to 0")
print("Else remains the same")
print(np.where(n_arr >= 25, 0, n_arr))


Given array:
[ [45 25 10]
[15 51 25] ]

Replace all elements of array which are greater than or equal to 25 to 0
Else remains the same
[ [ 0 0 10]
[15 0 0] ]

So, here we have learned how to replace values or elements of an array based on conditions in Python Programming Language. Hope you all find it useful. Also see:- Remove special characters from the list, Remove duplicates from the list in Python

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