Remove Vowels from String in Python

Remove Vowels from String in Python | Previously we developed the Python program to check character is vowels or consonants, check if the string start with a vowel, count the vowel in the string, and print the vowel in the string. Now in this post, we will remove vowels from a string in python.

Python Program to Remove all Vowels from a given String

In the below code, we use the for loop to remove all vowels from a given string. Give the user-defined function to remove vowels from a string.

# Python program to remove all vowels from string

def removeVowels(string):
    vowel = 'aeiou'
    #find vowel in string
    for ch in string.lower():
        if ch in vowel:
            #remove vowels
            string = string.replace(ch, '')

    #print string without vowels

string = input('String: ')

Output for the different input values:-

String: Know Program
Knw Prgrm

String: Python Program
Pythn Prgrm

String: vowel and consonant
vwl nd cnsnnt

Python Code to Remove Vowels from a String

In this method, we have to use Regular Expressions. The re module to work with regular expressions. The sub-method is used to replace substrings in a string using a regular expression. We will use this method to remove vowels from a given string with the help of regex.

# Python program to remove all vowels from string

import re  #importing regular expression

# function for remove vowels from string
def removeVowels(string):
    return (re.sub('[aeiouAEIOU]','',string))

string = input('String: ')


String: remove vowels from a string
rmv vwls frm strng

Remove Vowels from String in Python using join Methods

We will write a program in a more simple way using join methods. We will put all the characters of the string that are consonant(not vowel) in an array and join them to a string.

# Python program to remove all vowels from string

# function for remove vowels from string
def removeVowels(string):
    remove_str = ''.join([x for x in string if x.lower() not in 'aeiou'])
    #print string without vowels

string = input('String: ')


Enter any string: java

Using String Translate Methods

The translate method can be replaced or translated into characters in a string using a mapping table.

# Python program to remove all vowels from string

# function for remove vowels from string
def removeVowels(string):
    vowels = 'AEIOUaeiou'
    #remove vowels
    translate = str.maketrans(dict.fromkeys(vowels))
    remove_str = string.translate(translate)
    #print string without vowels

string = input('String: ')


String: PROGRAMING Language

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