How to Convert List to String in Python

How to Convert List to String in Python | The List is the container that contains the elements of different datatypes whereas a String is a sequence of characters it contains only similar elements. Python provides functionality to convert a list to a string. Also see:- How to Compare Two Lists in Python

We will see these below Python program examples:-

  1. Using Join Function
  2. Using map() Function
  3. Using List Comprehension
  4. Traversal of a List Function
  5. Python list to string with commas
  6. Python list to string with delimiter

How to Convert List to String in Python

Now, we will see various ways to convert a list to a string in Python.

Python List to String using join() function

We will convert the list to string by using the join function. This function directly converts the list to a string. To do achieve this we have defined a function called “Main” which uses join.

def Main(s):
   string = " "
   return (string.join(s))
s = ['Know', 'Program']


Know Program

Python List to String using map() function

The map() is an iterable function, which returns the map object. Now we use map() to convert list to string.

list = ['Know' 'Program',1]
string = ' '.join(map(str, list))


KnowProgram 1

Python List to String using List Comprehension

The list comprehension is used for creating a new list from iterables like string, tuple, and more. It provides a single line syntax.

list = ['know', 'program']
Str = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in list])


know program

Python List to String Traversal of a List Function

This keeps on iterating through the list adds keeps adding elements to the empty string.

def listToString(s):
   str1 = ""
   for ele in s:
      str1 += ele
   return str1
s = ['know', 'program']



Python List to String with Commas

Now, we will convert a list to a string with commas using join function.

list = ["know", "Program"]
string = ", ".join(list)


know, Program

Python List to String with Delimiter

The Delimeter is one or more characters used to specify a difference between the text. In the program, we have used ‘/’ as a delimiter.

list = ['know', 'program']
delimeter = "/"
res = ''
for ele in list:
   res = res + str(ele) + delimeter



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