Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius in Python

Previously we have developed a Python program to convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. In a similar way, we can also write a Python program to convert the temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.

The formula used to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius is given as,
⁰C = (5/9) * (⁰F–32) or ⁰C = (⁰F–32) / 1.8


Fahrenheit = 98
Celsius = (98-32) / 1.8 = 36.67
98 degree Fahrenheit is equivalent to 36.67 degree Celsius

Python Program to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

This is the simplest and easiest way to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. We will take a value of Fahrenheit when declaring the variables, the value of the Celsius will be calculated and stored in the variable, and finally, it will be displayed on the screen.

# Python program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

# take inputs
fahr = 74

# calculate Celsius
cel = (fahr-32) / 1.8

# display result
print('%0.1f degree Fahrenheit is equivalent to %0.1f 
                            degree Celsius' %(fahr, cel))


74.0 degree Fahrenheit is equivalent to 23.3 degree Celsius

In this program, we have hardcoded the value of Fahrenheit in the source code.

fahr = 74

Now, calculate the value of Celsius using formula.

cel = (fahr-32) / 1.8

Then, result will be displayed on the screen.

print('%0.1f degree Fahrenheit is equivalent to %0.1f 
degree Celsius' %(fahr, cel))

Write a python program to convert temperatures to and from Fahrenheit Celsius

In the previous program, input hardcoded in the program but in this program, input will be provided by the user.

# Python program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

# take inputs
fahr = float(input('Enter Fahrenheit value: '))

# calculate Celsius
cel = (fahr-32) / 1.8

# display result
print('%0.1f degree Fahrenheit is equivalent to %0.1f 
                               degree Celsius' %(fahr, cel))

Output for different input values:-

Enter Fahrenheit value: 100
100.0 degree Fahrenheit is equivalent to 37.8 degree Celsius

Enter Fahrenheit value: 124.3
124.3 degree Fahrenheit is equivalent to 51.3 degree Celsius

Enter Fahrenheit value: -40
-40 degree Fahrenheit is equivalent to -40 degree Celsius

Note:- The -40⁰C is equal to the -40⁰F.

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Python Programs

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