Write a Complete Java Program Called Muchbetter

Write A Complete Java Program Called Muchbetter | The MuchBetter is a Java program that displays a specific output message to the output screen.

Program Description:- Write a complete Java program called MuchBetter which outputs the following string:- 

A “quoted” String is
‘much’ better if you learn
the rules of “escape sequences.”
Also, "" represents an empty String.
Don’t forget: use \” instead of ” !
'' is not the same as "

The code consists of only print statements to print the above output, it just says that it would be better if we just learn the rules of escape sequences and also to represent an empty string. Observe the below code for the demonstration of the MuchBetter class.

Write a Complete Java Program Called Muchbetter

public class MuchBetter {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      System.out.println("A \"quoted\" String is");
      System.out.println("'much' better if you learn");
      System.out.println("the rules of \"escape sequences.\"");
      System.out.println("Also, \"\" represents an empty String.");
      System.out.println("Don't forget: use \\\" instead of \" !");
      System.out.println("'' is not the same as \"");


A “quoted” String is
‘much’ better if you learn
the rules of “escape sequences.”
Also, "" represents an empty String.
Don’t forget: use \” instead of ” !
'' is not the same as "

In Java, backslash '\' is considered as an escape sequence hence observe the code and the output the backslashes in the code are not printed in the output. If you want to print this backslash then you need to use it two times, the first backslash work as an escape sequence, and the third one will be printed to the screen. 

Demonstrating the working of an escape sequence. In the print statement, this might not work properly:-

System.out.println("A "quoted" String is"); // error

This statement gives an error saying, invalid assignment operator hence to overcome this we use backslash \".

System.out.println("A \"quoted\" String is"); 

Now this line works properly, and displays the following output:- A “quoted” String is

Observe the below code it escapes the character after the backslash hence it shows an error saying “String literal is not properly closed by a double-quote”. 

System.out.println("A quoted' String is\"); // error

In order to overcome this, we can use \'.

System.out.println("A quoted\' String is");

It displays the following output:- A quoted’ String is

If we want to display backslash to the output screen then we have to use backslash two times. The first backslash represents the escape character. Below code, snippets demonstrate it:-


It displays the following output:- C:know\program\java

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