JSP vs HTML. JSP and HTML both support tag-based programming but there are lots of differences between HTML and JSP.  The HTML represents Hypertext Markup Language, and the HTML file contains .html, .htm extensions. It was given by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) in 1993. HTML is client-side technology used to generate static web pages

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JSP in Java

JSP in Java. JSP represents Jakarta Server Pages (formerly Java Server Pages) given by Sun Microsystem in 1999 as server-side web technology to develop dynamic web pages. One question that may come into our mind that “When Sun Microsystem (Oracle) is already given a technology called Servlet to develop server-side web components then why did

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Servlet vs JSP

Servlet vs JSP. In Java, there are two technologies available to develop the server-side web components:- Servlet and JSP. But there are many differences between them. In this tutorial, we will discuss the difference between Servlet and JSP i.e. Servlet vs JSP. Limitations or Disadvantages of Servlets Servlet having following limitations or disadvantages, To use

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