Reverse Words In a String Java

Reverse Words In A String Java | Previously we have seen different approaches to reverse a string in Java programming. Now let us see how to reverse words in a string in Java. 

In a given sentence or string, the words are separated by whitespaces like tab, space, and e.t.c. To reverse each word in a given string we can take help from the StringBuilder class. The StringBuilder class contains a reverse() method which is used to reverse the given string value.

On reversing the words in a given string, the position of the words won’t be changed instead the position of each character in a word will be changed. Let us understand it through an example. Example:- 

String: Hi, How are You?
After reversing the words: ,iH woH era ?uoY

Program to Reverse Words In a String Java

public class Main {
   public static String reverseWords(String string) {
      String words[] = string.split("\\s");
      String reverse = "";
      for (String word : words) {
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(word);
         reverse += sb.toString() + " ";
      return reverse.trim();

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String string = "Welcome to Know Program";
      System.out.println("String: " + string);
      System.out.println("After reversing the words: " 
                         + reverseWords(string));


String: Welcome to Know Program
After reversing the words: emocleW ot wonK margorP

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