Array Programs
➤ Find Length of Array
➤ How to Print an Array
➤ Sum of Array Elements
➤ Reverse an Array in C
➤ Copy an Array in C
➤ Merge Two Arrays in C
➤ Merge Two Sorted Arrays
➤ Count Repeated Elements
➤ Find Duplicate Elements
➤ Linear Search in C
➤ Binary Search in C
➤ Insert Element in Array
➤ Delete Element in Array
➤ Display odd-even in Array
➤ Sum & Count of Odd-Even
➤ Count +ve, -ve, & 0
➤ Sum of +ve, -ve Numbers
➤ Avg & Numbers > Avg
➤ Smallest & Largest Element
➤ 1st 2nd Max-Min
➤ Sort Array in C
➤ Search element in Array
➤ Search index of Nth times occurred element
➤ Matrix Programs
Program description:- Write a C program to find the sum of the array elements. Take an array from the end-user and then add its elements and display its result value.
Let, we have an array of five integers a[5] then the sum of array elements given as a[0] + a[1] + a[2] + a[3] + a[4]
The index of the array always starts from 0, not 1. so the first element will be a[0].
int main()
// Array of 5 floating elements
float arr[5], sum=0.0;
int i;
printf("Enter array elements:\n");
// take 5 number
// add that 5 number
sum += arr[i]; //sum=sum+arr[i]
printf("Sum of Array elements are: %f", sum);
return 0;
In this C program, first we declare an array of floating point value of size 5, you can ask size of array from the end-user and then declare then variable. Then take a sum variable and initialize it with 0. Now take array elements as input and then add it to the sum. Finally display the sum value.
We used two for loop first for loop used for reading the array element and second for loop used for adding array elements. Instead of two for loops, only one for loop can be used. Both reading and adding of elements will be done inside one for loop.
int main()
// Array of 5 floating elements
float arr[5], sum=0.0;
int i;
printf("Enter array elements:\n");
// take number and add it with sum
sum+=arr[i]; // sum=sum+arr[i]
printf("Sum of Array elements are: %f",sum);
return 0;
Enter array elements:
Sum of Array elements are: 26.200001
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- Find Smallest and largest Array element
- First maximum & minimum, Second maximum & minimum
- Sort a list of an array element
- Search an Array element
- Search position of nth times occurred element in an array
- C program to insert an element in an array
- C program to delete an element in an array
- Passing a multidimensional array to Function
- Find Largest and smallest in a 2D array with their position
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- Matrix Operations – Addition, Multiplication, Transpose