➤ Introduction to Function
➤ User-defined Functions
➤ Recursion in C
➤ Storage Classes in C
➤ Scope of Variables
Function Programs in C
➤ Functions Examples in C
➤ Add 2 Numbers Function
➤ Find Sum of N numbers
➤ Largest of Three Numbers
➤ Add Subtract Multiply Divide
➤ Calculator Program Functions
➤ Factorial Program Function
➤ GCD of Two Numbers
➤ Find Power of a Number
➤ Find Reverse a Number
➤ Fibonacci Series Function
➤ Prime Number Function
➤ Palindrome Number in C
➤ Armstrong Number in C
Recursion Programs in C
➤ Recursion Examples in C
➤ Fibonacci Series
➤ Find Factorial
➤ Find GCD or HCF
➤ LCM Using Recursion
➤ Tricky C Programs
Fibonacci Series in C Using Function | Previously we have written the Fibonacci series program in C. Now, we will develop the same but using function. In this post, we will write the Fibonacci series in C using the function.
A function is a block of code that performs a specific task. For example, the main is a function and every program execution starts from the main function in C programming. The function is a small program that is used to do a particular task. In C, a big program is divided into several small subroutines/functions/procedures. Hence C is a function-oriented programming language.
The C program is made of one or more pre-defined/user-defined functions. Every program must have at least one function with the name main. The execution of the program always starts from the main function and ends with the main function. The main function can call other functions to do some special task.
In the Fibonacci series, the next element will be the sum of the previous two elements. The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where a number is found by adding up the two numbers before it. Starting with 0 and 1, the sequence goes 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and so forth.
Written, as a rule, the expression is:- Xn= Xn-1+ Xn-2
By definition, the first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are either 1 and 1, or 0 and 1, depending on the chosen starting point of the sequence, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two.
Doing your C assignment can often be challenging and time-consuming.
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Display the Fibonacci series in C within a range using a function
void fibonacciSeries(int range)
int a=0, b=1, c;
while (a<=range)
printf("%d\t", a);
c = a+b;
a = b;
b = c;
int main()
int range;
printf("Enter range: ");
scanf("%d", &range);
printf("The fibonacci series is: \n");
return 0;
Output for different test cases:-
Enter range: 20
The fibonacci series is:
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13
Enter range: 50
The fibonacci series is:
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
Display fibonacci series upto Nth term
void fibonacciSeries(int n)
int a=0, b=1, c;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
printf("%d\t", a);
c = a+b;
a = b;
b = c;
int main()
int term;
printf("Enter the term: ");
scanf("%d", &term);
printf("The fibonacci series is: \n");
return 0;
Output for different test cases:-
Enter the term: 5
The fibonacci series is:
0 1 1 2 3
Enter the term: 10
The fibonacci series is:
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
Find the Nth term of the Fibonacci series in C using the function
int fibonacciTerm(int n)
int a=0, b=1, c;
for(int i=1; i<n; i++)
c = a+b;
a = b;
b = c;
return a;
int main()
int term, result;
printf("Enter term to find: ");
scanf("%d", &term);
result = fibonacciTerm(term);
printf("The fibonacci term is: %d", result);
return 0;
Output for test-case-1:-
Enter the term to find: 5
The Fibonacci term is: 3
Output for test-case-2:-
Enter the term to find: 10
The Fibonacci term is: 34
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