Implementation of Iterators and Simple Generators in Python

Implementation of Iterators and Simple Generators in Python | Iterators and simple generators are powerful features of Python that allow developers to create iterable objects and generate sequences of data on-the-fly. They provide a flexible and efficient way to work with large datasets, perform complex operations on them, and produce custom sequences of data. An iterator is an object that can be iterated upon, meaning that it can be used in a loop. 

It is created using a special protocol that includes two methods: iter() and next(). The iter() method returns the iterator object itself, while the next() method returns the next value in the sequence. A simple generator is a type of iterator that can be defined using a function. It is created using the yield keyword, which allows the function to generate a sequence of values on-the-fly. 

The yield statement pauses the function, saves its state, and returns a value to the caller. Overall, iterators and simple generators are powerful features of Python that provide a flexible and efficient way to work with large datasets, perform complex operations on them, and produce custom sequences of data. They are an essential part of Python’s toolset for data processing and are widely used in many applications and libraries.

Scope of The Article

  1. Introduction to Iterators and Generators: The article will provide a brief overview of iterators and generators, their importance in Python programming, and how they are different from each other.
  2. Understanding Iterators: The article will explain the concept of iterators and how they work. It will cover different types of iterators available in Python, such as list, tuple, dictionary, and file iterators, and how to create them.
  3. Simple Generators: The article will introduce the concept of simple generators and explain how they work. It will cover the syntax for creating generators in Python, the differences between generators and iterators, and how to use them in a practical scenario.
  4. Implementation of Iterators and Simple Generators: The article will provide a step-by-step guide to implementing iterators and simple generators in Python. It will provide sample code snippets, explain the logic behind them, and demonstrate how to use them in real-world applications.
  5. Benefits and Limitations of Iterators and Simple Generators: The article will discuss the benefits and limitations of using iterators and simple generators in Python programming. It will also highlight scenarios where using these features can lead to improved code performance and readability.
  6. Best Practices for Using Iterators and Simple Generators: The article will provide some best practices for using iterators and simple generators in Python programming. These best practices will help readers to write efficient and maintainable code.


Python is a powerful and flexible programming language that provides developers with a variety of tools and features for creating high-quality applications. Two essential features that Python offers are iterators and generators, which are critical components of the language’s core data structures. Iterators and generators are commonly used in Python to iterate over sequences of elements and generate data in real time, respectively. 

In this article, we will discuss the implementation of iterators and simple generators in Python. We will explore the fundamentals of iterators and generators, their benefits, and limitations, and provide practical examples of how to use them in real-world applications. This article aims to help Python developers better understand these important programming features, and learn how to utilize them to create efficient and effective code.

Understanding Iterators

Iterators are a crucial concept in Python programming, and they play an essential role in creating loops and iterating over sequences of data, and working with various frameworks and libraries. An iterator is an object that allows you to traverse a sequence of values, one value at a time, without having to load all the values into memory at once. This means that you can iterate over a sequence of values even if the sequence is large or infinite.

In Python, an iterator is any object that has a next() method. When you call the next() method on an iterator, it returns the next value in the sequence. If there are no more values in the sequence, it raises a StopIteration exception.

You can create an iterator in Python by defining a class with an iter() method and a next() method. The iter() method should return the iterator object itself, and the next() method should return the next value in the sequence.

For example, here’s how you can create an iterator that iterates over a list of numbers:-

class NumberListIterator:
    def __init__(self, number_list):
        self.number_list = number_list
        self.index = 0

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        if self.index < len(self.number_list):
            value = self.number_list[self.index]
            self.index += 1
            return value
            raise StopIteration

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
iterator = NumberListIterator(numbers)
for number in iterator:



In this example, we define a class called NumberListIterator that takes a list of numbers as an argument and compiled the same. The iter() method returns the iterator object itself, and the next() method returns the next value in the list. Here is a python online compiler if you want to try the same while reading this tutorial.

Once we have defined the iterator class, we can use it to iterate over the list of numbers. We create an instance of the iterator by passing in the list of numbers and then use it in a for loop to print out each number in the list.

Python provides a range of built-in iterators that allow you to iterate over different types of sequences, including lists, tuples, dictionaries, and files. By understanding how to create your own iterators, you can add more flexibility to your code and create more efficient loops.

Simple Generators:

In Python, a simple generator is a function that returns an iterator, using the yield statement to produce a sequence of values. A simple generator is an excellent way to produce a sequence of values on-the-fly, without having to allocate memory for the entire sequence upfront. Simple generators can be used in various situations, such as generating random numbers, generating primes, or parsing large data sets.

A simple generator is created using a function that contains one or more yield statements. The yield statement generates a value and then “pauses” the function, saving its state so that it can be resumed later. When the function is resumed, it continues from where it left off, picking up the state that was saved earlier.

For example, consider the following simple generator function that generates an infinite sequence of integers:-

def infinite_sequence():
    num = 0
    while True:
        yield num
        num += 1

In this example, the infinite_sequence() function generates an infinite sequence of integers starting from zero. The function contains a while loop that runs indefinitely and a yield statement that generates the current value of num. When the yield statement is executed, the function is “paused” and the value of num is returned. When the function is resumed, the next value in the sequence is generated, and the process continues.

To use a simple generator, you can create an instance of the generator by calling the generator function. You can then use the generator instance to iterate over the sequence of values produced by the generator. For example, the following code uses the infinite_sequence() generator to print the first five numbers in the sequence:-

gen = infinite_sequence()
for i in range(5):

In this example, we create an instance of the infinite_sequence() generator and use it to generate the first five numbers in the sequence. The next() function is used to retrieve the next value generated by the generator, and the for loop is used to repeat this process five times.

In addition to infinite sequences, simple generators can be used to generate finite sequences, as well as to generate values based on input parameters. Simple generators provide a powerful and flexible way to generate sequences of values on-the-fly, and they can be used in a variety of programming situations to create more efficient and effective code.

Implementation of Iterators and Simple Generators:

As we know that the implementation of iterators and simple generators in Python is straightforward and easy to understand.

To create an iterator, you define a class that implements the iter() and next() methods. The iter() method returns the iterator object, and the next() method returns the next value in the sequence. Here is an example implementation of an iterator that generates a sequence of even numbers:

class EvenNumbers:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.i = 0
        self.n = n

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        if self.i <= self.n:
            result = self.i
            self.i += 2
            return result
            raise StopIteration

In this example, the init() method initializes the iterator object with two instance variables: i, which is the current value of the sequence, and n, which is the maximum value of the sequence. The iter() method returns the iterator object itself, and the next() method generates the next even number in the sequence, up to the maximum value of n.

To use this iterator, you can create an instance of the EvenNumbers class and iterate over it using a for loop:-

even_numbers = EvenNumbers(10)
for number in even_numbers:

In this example, we create an instance of the EvenNumbers iterator with a maximum value of 10 and then use it in a for loop to print out each even number in the sequence.

To create a simple generator, you define a function that contains one or more yield statements. The yield statement generates a value and then “pauses” the function, saving its state so that it can be resumed later. Here is an example implementation of a simple generator that generates a sequence of squares:-

def squares(n):
    for i in range(n):
        yield i**2

In this example, the squares() function generates a sequence of squares from 0 to n-1. The for loop generates each square value and uses the yield statement to pause the function and return the current value.

To use this simple generator, you can create an instance of the generator function and iterate over it using a for loop:-

square_gen = squares(5)
for number in square_gen:

In this example, we create an instance of the squares generator with a maximum value of 5, and then use it in a for loop to print out each square value in the sequence.

Benefits of Iterators and Simple Generators:

1) Efficient memory usage:- Iterators and simple generators are memory-efficient because they only generate the next value in the sequence when it is requested, rather than generating the entire sequence upfront. This means that they can generate infinite or large sequences of values without running out of memory.

2) Lazy evaluation:- Iterators and simple generators use lazy evaluation, which means they only generate values when they are needed. This can result in faster code execution and better performance, especially when dealing with large datasets or complex calculations.

3) Flexible and reusable:- Iterators and simple generators can be used in a variety of programming situations, and they can be easily modified or extended to suit different requirements. They can also be combined with other Python features to create more complex and powerful code.

4) Easy to implement:- Iterators and simple generators are easy to implement and use, requiring only a few lines of code. This makes them a popular choice among Python developers hence python becomes a more preferred one as compared to other popular languages, especially for applications that require sequence generation.

Limitations of Iterators and Simple Generators:

  1. One-time use: Iterators and simple generators can only be used once, as the sequence of values generated is consumed as they are iterated over. This means that you need to create a new iterator or generator each time you want to use the sequence.
  2. Non-random access: Iterators and simple generators do not support random access to the sequence of values, meaning that you cannot directly access a specific value in the sequence without iterating over all the values that come before it.
  3. Not thread-safe: Iterators and simple generators are not thread-safe, which means that they can only be used by one thread at a time. If multiple threads attempt to access an iterator or generator at the same time, it can lead to race conditions and unpredictable behavior.
  4. No length: Iterators and simple generators do not have a length attribute, which means that you cannot determine the length of the sequence in advance. This can make it difficult to know when the sequence has been fully generated or to allocate memory for it in advance.

Best Practices for Using Iterators and Simple Generators:

  1. Use iterators and generators to generate large or infinite sequences of values, rather than storing the sequence in memory.
  2. Use lazy evaluation to improve performance and memory usage.
  3. Use built-in Python functions and modules to create iterators and generators, such as range(), map(), and itertools.
  4. Use try-except blocks to handle StopIteration errors, which are raised when there are no more values in the sequence.
  5. Use the yield statement in generators to generate values one at a time, and use the next() method in iterators to generate the next value in the sequence.
  6. Consider the limitations of iterators and generators, such as the lack of random access and the inability to reuse them.
  7. Use iterators and generators in combination with other Python features, such as list comprehensions and decorators, to create more powerful and flexible code.
  8. Document your code clearly and explain how your iterators and generators work, including any limitations or constraints.

By following these best practices, you can create more efficient and effective code using iterators and simple generators in Python.


  1. In conclusion, iterators and simple generators are powerful tools that can be used to generate sequences of values in Python. By using lazy evaluation and efficient memory usage, they can improve the performance and efficiency of your code, especially when dealing with large datasets or complex calculations.
  2. While iterators and simple generators have some limitations, such as the lack of random access and the inability to reuse them, they are easy to implement and modify, making them a popular choice among Python developers. By following best practices for using iterators and simple generators, you can create more robust and scalable applications in Python.
  3. Overall, iterators and simple generators are a valuable addition to any Python developer’s toolkit, and understanding how to use them effectively can lead to more efficient and powerful code.

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