How to Put a Comma After a Variable in Python

Put a Comma After a Variable in Python? In this article, we will learn how to add a comma after a variable in Python. 

We have different methods to put a comma after a variable:-

  • Using the join() function.
  • Using a for loop.
  • Using the replace() function.

How to Put a Comma After a Variable in Python Using the join() function

The join() function is capable of concatenating a new string with a comma added after every character. This process can be done seamlessly in just a single line of code.

x = "example"
y = ','.join(x)



Using the for loop

A for loop can be utilized to manually iterate through each character of the given string and add a comma after every single one of the characters.

x = "Example"
y = ' '
for i in x:
    y += i + ','*1
y = y.strip()



Using the replace() Function

The replace() function carries out the basic task of replacing one specified phrase with another.

def commaez(x):
    return x.replace('', ',')[1:-1]

x = "example"



So, here we have discussed different methods to add a comma after a variable or a string or character. Hope you all find the post useful.

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