Absolute Value in Python

The absolute value in Python | Python abs() is a built-in function available with the standard library of python. The abs() function is used to return the absolute value of the given number. If the number is a complex number, the abs() function returns its magnitude. The absolute value of a number is a value without considering its sign. Example:- absolute value of the 5 is 5 and -5 is also 5.

The syntax of of abs() function:-


number:- The abs() function takes a single argument, a number whose absolute value is to be returned. The number can be:-

  • integer number
  • floating-point number
  • complex number

The argument can be an integer, a floating number, or a complex number. Then, the abs() function returns the absolute value of a number.

  • Integer number:- abs() return the absolute value in integer.
  • Floating number:- abs() return the absolute value in float.
  • Complex number:- abs() return only the magnitude part and that can be a floating number.

abs() Function in Python for Integer Number

This python program using the abs() method to find the absolute value of a given number. We will take integer numbers while declaring the variables. Then, find absolute value using the abs() function and finally, the result will be displayed on the screen.

# Python program to find absolute value of number

# take input
num = int(input('Enter the integer number: '))

# display result
print('Absolute value of number is =',abs(num))

Output for the different input values:-

Enter the integer number: -5
Absolute value of number is = 5

Enter the integer number: -13
Absolute value of number is = 13

Enter the integer number: 10
Absolute value of number is = 10

abs() in Python for Floating Number

In the previous program, we will find the absolute value of integer numbers but in this program, find the absolute value of a floating-point number.

# Python program to find absolute value of number

# take input
num = float(input('Enter a float number: '))

# display result
print('Absolute value of number is =',abs(num))

Output for the different input values:-

Enter a float number: -5.31
Absolute value of number is = 5.31

Enter a float number: -23.1
Absolute value of number is = 23.1

Absolute Value in Python for Complex Number

The absolute value or magnitude of a complex number, x+yi is defined as the distance between the origin (0,0) and the point (x,y) in the complex plane.

# Python program to find absolute value of complex number

# take input
num = complex(input('Enter a complex number: '))

# display result
print('Magnitude of complex number is =',abs(num))

Output for the different input values:-

Enter a complex number: 3-4j
Magnitude of complex number is = 5.0

Enter a complex number: 2+6j
Magnitude of complex number is = 6.324555320336759

Enter a complex number: -5-10j
Magnitude of complex number is = 11.180339887498949

Enter a complex number: -15j
Magnitude of complex number is = 15.0

Also See:- Fibonacci Series in Python

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